Trainer: Munro Forbes & Miltos Hadjoulles


Experienced TV directors revise television grammar, camera shots, shot sequences, script notation & camera instructions, and undertake numerous exercises which embrace modern production techniques. Multi-camera studio exercises involve steadicam and jib shots.

The course will revise the basic knowledge of TV direction and offers multi-camera studio experience. Participants are re-introduced to TV grammar, camera shots, shot sequences, script notation & camera instructions, and undertake numerous practical exercises which embrace modern production techniques.

Participants record various multi-camera studio exercises which involve steadicam and jib shots.  For single camera shoots, directors plan, shoot and edit.

Participants also plan a complex studio production and a multi-camera outside broadcast coverage of a major event from initial idea to final transmission.

Participants practise:

  1. planning a programme from initial idea to transmission
  2. preparing international versions of running orders, shot lists, studio floor plans, camera scripts & camera shot cards for multi-camera techniques
  3. shooting single & multi-camera sequences
  4. planning the televising of major events
  5. directing musical items
  6. directing conferences and debates


Each participant develops the essential skills to:

  1. communicate with crew and talent
  2. manage time
  3. increase camera shot rates
  4. avoid crossing-the-line

CuePilot training is provided in this module on request. From initial idea to final transmission, directors plan a complex studio production and a multi-camera outside broadcast coverage of a major event.  Participants undertake numerous practical studio exercises and programme the CuePilot system for major TV shows. The course involves international TV directors and guest speakers from channels in the United Kingdom and we hope to arrange for you to observe CuePilot in action at a major production in a neighbouring country.

Key elements of the module:

  1. Planning a programme from initial idea to transmission
  2. Preparing international versions of running orders, shot lists, studio floor plans, camera scripts, and camera shot cards
  3. Planning sequences with the CuePilot system
  4. Planning the televising of major events

Practical exercise in the module:

  • Shooting multi-camera studio sequences


MUNRO FORBES                                                              

Munro Forbes is joint owner of the Academy, special advisor to Sigma TV, and trainer with The Thomson Foundation and Aljazeera Network. Mr Forbes has more than 30 years of experience in the United Kingdom’s broadcasting industry as a director and producer for both the BBC and ITV. He is engaged throughout the world by broadcasters, media centres, and universities as a trainer and production consultant.


Miltos Hadjoulles is a highly experienced TV director who has directed many major international football matches, sports events, concerts and awards shows. He has used CuePilot on all his recent productions and provides participants with practical experience in using this automation system. He uses numerous examples to illustrate the benefits of the CuePilot and each participant has the opportunity to programme the system and view results.